Thursday, September 09, 2010

Notre Dame launches eReader study, creates first paperless course

“This has become known as the iPad class,” Corey Angst, assistant professor of management at the University of Notre Dame, told his students on their first day of class Aug. 24. “It’s actually not…it’s ‘Project Management.’”

Notre Dame eReader Study

A member of Notre Dame’s ePublishing Working Group, Angst is debuting the University’s first and only class taught using Apple’s new wireless tablet computer to replace traditional textbooks. The course is part of a unique, year-long Notre Dame study of eReaders, and Angst is conducting the first phase using iPads, which just went on sale to the public in April.

Read the full article here-


Anonymous said...

Wow! I want to be in this class; if the iPad is free, that is. I think mlearning is the next corporate learning solutions evolution.

Anonymous said...

Paperless course!

We are very impressed and very interested in the results.

Do the students and teachers get more eye strain? Do they become more effective, productive, and innovative?

Do they reduce their workload? Do they get higher scores/grades?
What about their future job prospects?

george kyaw naing

Ged schools said...

Nice article.