Friday, September 29, 2006

20 Ideas: Getting students to use their mobile phones as learning tools- by Doug Belshaw

20 Ideas: Getting students to use their mobile phones as learning tools

I can still remember the excitement I felt after persuading my parents to buy a then-almost-top-of-the-range Pentium computer with its speedy 75mhz processor. Eleven years later, of course, my mobile phone has a processor at least three times as fast as that. One thing you can almost guarantee is that pretty much every student you come across will have a mobile phone. In my school they’re not even supposed to be in school but - as you can imagine - they are used surreptitiously in between lessons. In what follows I’m going to try to outline a few ways in which we can use the technology students already have to motivate them, make life easier, and enhance their learning!

Over the last few months I’ve covered quite a few ways in which mobile phone can be used in the classroom. Here’s a quick recap of some of them…

1. Learning slideshows for mobile phones and iPods

2. QR: what’s that?

3. Setting up an Educational Blog

4. Using technology students already have for learning

5. Podcasting/listening to educational MP3 audio

6. Sharing files via Bluetooth

Read the entire article @

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